Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why can't Men Handle Homeowner Stuff?

The other day I was away from home down in Des Moines at a childcare conference, my day was running smoothly until I received an emergency call from home.

Apparently my beloved hubby was rather miffed at the mail! Here's why~we received a letter of cancellation from our homeowners insurance group. Yea he has every right to be torked, however he could have waited until I was at break.......which is when I called him back after listening to his voicemail on my cell, my helpers cell and my MIL cell !

So I gathered all the information that I could, took myself to the restroom (the closest office so to speak) and proceeded to attempt to contact somebody on a Saturday morning. Now imagine me sitting there in a stall, dialing feverishly, leaving message after message, contact info and what not and then texting my hubby to tell him what was going on. Really makes me laugh too at the thought of it all! Not to mention this was not the end of it all....

After successfully dealing with that fiasco in a prompt and professional way, I was then headed back into my conference. Let me tell you there is nothing like walking into a crowed room full of over 500 women all in the daycare about the looks of death as I entered the hall and the darn door just has to let out a pained squeak. Yea nothing like having all eyes on me, the speaker even stopped mid sentence and I felt so stupid for insisting on sitting in a row of seats down in the second row. Hmmm note to self never again!!!!

I just get seated and my cell goes buzzing off again in my pocket, thank goodness I remembered to set it to silent mode before I came back in! Lordy...guess who it was? Yep my hubby, apparently there is another catastrophe that only I can deal with too. So I wait it out until lunch break and then make contact again. I should have just let it be, but me being a Mom and always feeling like I have to be in control of everything............ugh!

Now there is a problem with a billing on my vehicle, one would think that this type of stuff could wait until I got home. Nope it's a matter of life of life and death for him, he needs answers and needs them yesterday! So I again gather the information, make several calls, sit on hold, drive to a fast food place, order, fill up with gas and several other fun multi-tasking things and then find out that there is no one available for me to talk to on a Saturday!!! Hmmm, I make that dreaded call back home, explain that it will simply have to wait until Monday and to just deal with it.

I then turned my phone off until the end of the conference, forgot it was off until I was home....some 6 hrs later.

1 comment:

  1. Funny, my husband would probably say the same thing about me. LOL
