Thursday, March 12, 2009

Feeling Like Me Again!

Boy my thoughts have been running away with me lately. I have been so busy running from here to there and somewhere in the midst of it all I found something~ME!

Seriously today is just like any other day, only the differentce is I am taking control of my life, yet again. See for a while now I have been taking anti-depresants only because the Dr. told me that depression is like having a loose wire in your brain and not all your pistons are firing at the same time. He also said it was like having an illness and not taking your medication can hurt you in the end. Well I went along with this addage for a while-4 months to be exact! Now just like when I was sitting in that Dr.'s office and told him point blank that I thought he was full of shit, guess what I still feel that way!! I know me better than anybody else does, even my mom for crying out loud. So last week I took myself off of all those stupid pills, I now have control of my emotions again and can decide if I want to "feel" and how I "feel", instead of everybody telling me that there is no reason to be worked up over the minor things in life.............Why not? I am only going be on this planet once for all I know.

Who has the right to tell me how to feel? Nobody does, and I for one am sick and tired of letting things roll off of my back just to be pushed away and never dealt with. Ummmm last I knew I was a well educated, positive member of society and damn it I have a voice and expect to be heard!! Especially by my husband, and if he doesn't watch his P's & Q's he will be out with the trash............

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