Monday, May 18, 2009

Memorial Day ....
Before when I was younger and didn't really have a care in the world. My days were filled with running through the fields behind our house in Poway, Ca. going to the park, riding my bike, exploring the woods to the south of the fields, building tree forts, going to the 7-Eleven to get a slurppie and just having fun growing up with the security that all would be well in my own little world.
As I grew older, maybe even matured a bit I found I had a voice. I really didn't use it that well though, except for being the typical teen smart ass and thinking that I know everything! I would take off with my so called friends driving to the beach, skipping school, and yes getting into trouble. Even once in while I would join in a cause...mostly the Green Peace know the ones who protest against mass fishing and such. I would protest with them and really get involved with it, I found my passion, and learned to use my voice for the right purpose.
After high school and entering into my early 20's and college years...I still thought that I knew it all. I didn't. My family taught me several things through the years. My Father especially did, he always told me that some day I would understand why I had such a passion for our country, Our Great Nation.
See I was raised in a Military family and there is nothing finer to me than knowing that my Father gave of himself so completely to a country that allows it's people to talk so openly, no matter how rude or indifferent they may be. He is the reason that I can speak so freely today and share my love for our country. For if it wasn't for his sacrifices, the sacrifices of the many men, women and families before him I wouldn't be here writing this today.
Thank you to all the service men, women and many many families of the armed forces, for if it weren't for you who dedicated your lives for us, we would not be the Great Nation We Are Today.

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