Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Bored? Me!

Some days I wake up and think it would be so nice to move back home to California. Then there are those days that I think it would be nice to live anywhere but where I do live. Then I have have those wonderful thoughts of living my life on a tropical island!! But for some strange reason I come back to reality!!! Darn it!!
My life is good, I really have no complaints. So then why is it that I feel restless? Could it be that I'm bored? How can I be bored....I work full time at home as a daycare provider with 12 kids daily (yes I have a helper or two!), work at night as a book keeper, try to get in my workouts 3x a wk, am a mother of 2 very active boys, a wife and keep up with my friends and go out every Tues..................One would think that I can't possibly be bored! Maybe I'm wanting more out of life....who knows.
As the school year approaches I am getting more and more antsy, not because I am excited to see the joy on my boys faces or the excitement in them ........... I am feeling lost this year, don't know what it is yet. I will of course be happy and cheerful and keep up with all levels of joy and excitement for my family. Just somewhere inside I feel empty, like there is something missing. Is this how it is when you start there is something being left out, or lacking, maybe hopeful of what is to come yet bothered by it at the same time...........Oh I just wish my mind would stop spinning and I could enjoy my family and my thoughts...........ugh.

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