Monday, December 27, 2010

No Boxes or Bows

 My Christmas present this year didn't come in a box or a bag. There were no bows, no ribbons. Not even fun sparkly  paper! So what did I get that was so huge that it couldn't possibly be wrapped? (you'll have to wait for the answer)

 Most people would be upset that their hubby didn't buy them anything for Christmas, or even more frustrated that he forget their Birthday too! I have to be honest, I was at first just a bit. But NOW my eyes are open to the bigger picture here.......
 See it was while I was on the phone with my sister in law, we were discussing our day, exchanging what everybody had received and talking about family and plans for the rest of the day. My sister in law is on the west coast and we are here in the Midwest by choice.
 Anyways she asked me what I had received, I went to tell her my 3 gifts. She then said wait a minute what did Ray give you?? I answered , "Nothing". She was instantly hot!! She started spewing right from the get go, she called out to her DH which is my DH Brother and told him and he got all hot too!! I told both of them to calm down & listen to me for a second (also told them to not interrupt me too!!)........

 This is what I said to them,"Please understand that I am not upset or hurt by not receiving a gift under the tree. Because I have already received it. See when I was younger before I even met my love, my husband. I would literally dream about the day that I could stay home, raise my children, have a loving husband, live in a beautiful home full of smiles, giggles, hugs, laughter and most of all love. Well I have that dream~my Ray has made that possible, he gave me this gift when he said 'I Do'. Yes it's nice to see a package under the tree from him, however it is not necessary. He has given me my dream, my secret dream that not even my Mother knew about. I always said when I was younger that I never wanted children, never wanted to be married~that was all a lie........I am truly blessed to have my family, live in my home without the worry of losing of it and the freedom to live life & love deeply. He has made it possible for me to do what I want when I want, talk openly, spend freely and in other words what more could a person want? I don't want for anything, nor do my children. Well now that's not entirely true. I do want for one thing; that would be to move back home. So when you ask me what did I get for Christmas? Well guys I got my family, my health, and most of all LOVE."

    BTW they both were speechless...........

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