Sunday, February 13, 2011

One of those days...

  I have definitely had one of those days for the past few months!!

Lets start things off with a very special present from the IRS~they decided that it was in their best interest to audit me for 2008 and 2009. Now normally it doesn't bother me that 'Big Brother' is watching over us. However I really felt picked upon with the audit. I felt and still do to some extent that my book keeping is not quite good enough for them. See I spend hours and hours of countless time doing my record keeping, filing (well I suck at filing), keeping my client files in order, detailing everything down to the last cent well you get my drift. All for what?
 It just seems like my holidays went by in a blurr, and I missed the beginning of the year. Not to mention what fun I should have had with my boys. Yes I did attempt to go sledding in the middle of it all, but honestly I don't remember it. My mind was elsewhere....audit and taxes, health concerns etc.
 I spent the better part of January working on details, re-adding totals, going over calendars, looking through countless piles of receipts. Not to mention the stacks and stacks of copies I had to produce to substantiate all of my documentation to good old 'Big Brother'.
 Then it was time to finally get my totals together for my year end (2010). Ok it would have been easier to do if my spouse hadn't been over my shoulder the whole time and wanting to re-invent the wheel and  re-do all of my filing system at the very same time!! Lord knows I have put up with a ton from him, would and have done many nice things for him. But in all honesty I really didn't need his two cents or want it for that matter!! I know he was only trying to help, but instead he threw me totally off track. I have a certain order in which I do things, total this then go on to the next and so fourth. It's an accounting pattern, developed over several years of having to do so without so much as a finger lifted by him.
 So let's bring it all forward to today~ My accountant shows up a little after 1pm today. We start to go through all of my spread sheets and lists and what not. Then my husband decides he needs to add in his two cents and changes things around, we both get off track ( my accountant and I) and leave things off the taxes, forget a few items here and there. Which makes  a huge difference between getting a few hundred back and a few thousand!!! I swear I could just punch I tell her to send me a pdf document of the taxes before she files them so I can go over them again and tweek them, because I just know items were left off.
 So my question to myself more than anyone else is why do I bother to work so hard? Why do I bother to try to get it all done? What good is it anyway? Specially if my husband keeps telling me that I am not good at  filing, record keeping, cleaning, cooking, raising my children etc................Sorry just a bit pissy.

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