Thursday, March 5, 2009

Can I make an Impact?

I think there comes a time in your life when you just need to look for something else. Now I'm not talking about looking for a new hubby, or a new home or new furniture. I am tallking about looking for another release, or maybe a another outlook or view.....does this even make any sense?
Lately I have been getting bored, so to keep myself busy I have invested in writting a book about how to open and run a successful daycare from home. Then I hit writters block, so that got shoved to back burner so to speak. Then my accountant needed some extra help again this year during the tax season~I jumped in with both feet!! I also thought it would be great to continue to coach bowling to the youth league on Saturday mornings. Which it is, and it is rewarding too (although kinda boring too). Then it came to me to start another business, a daycare consulting business on the web; where I can give advice, research rules and regs for a nominal fee etc. The only problem with that, is how?? See my mind keeps working, it never really shuts down even at night when i try to sleep! Now I am really not complaining here but there is really only so much one should do with their spare time (like I really have any) I think I can take on the world and conquer all the highest obstacles. Yea reality is still a hard one for me.
So my pal from Cafemom turned me onto blogging, now here I sit with tons of thoughts and ideas and they are jumbled up in my head~yep the same head that is full of conjestion too. So how do I get them all organized, how do I just put it out there.......hmmm I think that is what I am doing~don't you? Ok stop shaking your head and giggling at me~you know you are doing it! Anyways I have been doing this for a bit, blogging so to speak only I didn't know that was what I was doing when I was writting my journals and thinking outside the box so to speak.
So here I am at my table with my laptop and I just keep getting distracted all the time and thinking that I need to be doing something, making a difference somewhere, somehow...but what, where and how? I have had people tell me that I have touched them by my words of wisdom-those ladies on CM in my groups and other places too like at my kids schools and some of the parents that are my clients, even those people that I do tax amendments for....but that is all ok in my book. I guess I am looking for making an impact, even a profound impact on somebody or something. Who knows? but when I figure it out I will most deffinately tell you all~I just hope that when it happens I know what the heck I am doing!

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