Thursday, March 5, 2009

Morning Ramblings

Have you ever had one of those mornings where it just seems that you should crawl back into bed? Well that would be my morning so far.
I have a terible head cold that is just killing me, however the Mom in me is saying shake it off, get busy, get on with your day!
Well my day has started (5am to be exact!), I woke to Miss Mrytle (my basset hound) whinning at me to go outside and play in the snow. Great now i have to find my robe and slippers. Where did I leave them again? Oh thats right on the floor ~ just like my teen leaves his stuff on the floor! Need coffee, now that M. Myrtle is outside playing, fumble fumble.......
Well a couple hours later and now here I am with 3 daycare kids already, one in the highchair, one at the table and the third crawling on the floor. The phone has had a steady ringing all morning from prospective clients to parents wondering if their child left their snow pants here yesterday. It seems that it never ends, that is dealing with public and being polite when one really wants to just tell them all to take a flying leap. To stop bringing their kids here sick, I really get tired of my family always being ill due to inconsiderate parents who would rather do anything than be a parent.
Now there I go again, thinking that all parents are bad, and I know this isn't so. It just seems that in my line of work I have found the parents who would rather go out all the time, drop their kids and run. I actually have one family that I could just slap silly~Why? Well because they haven't heard of the remarkable product called soap!! Seriously they don't bathe their 2 munchkins, these kids wear the same clothes all week, never get a face washed or hands washed and they eat like they have never seen food before. Yes it is my job to call the state when I feel something is wrong, and I have several times. All to no avail too.
It just really bugs me that there are some people out there that are trying desperately for children and would make wonderful parents too, and then there are those that just keep having them and really don't give a darn about the children or the life they are influencing with their own bull.............Just my thoughts

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