Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sometimes I think that I must be an ATM machine! Really everybody has their hand out.
Yesterday the tile guy decides that he now has to score/map the bathroom floor and then go cut all the tiles back at the shop and then bring them back this morning. I'm like ~OK~ whatever you think is best......really didn't mind because I am tired of seeing plumbers crack! He leaves, I start thinking is this going to cost me more? I call the store and speak to the guy in charge and he tells me that 'there will be more charges since the install is taking 3 days instead of the original 2 & that since "I" told the installer that "I" thought it would be best that he score/map the bathroom first so there weren't any mistakes.' I'm flabbergasted ~ummmm what?!~ So I explained that the installer made those statements and that I was not paying another dime for this floor. He was fine with my account of things and was curious as to why it was taking so long~I told him to ask his employee!!
Now mind you while all this is going on, I am searching for a new washer and dryer because my set is on its last legs. I am on the phone getting all the particulars and finally settle on a make and model and really don't go in for the color option as it costs more too.....I nearly had heart failure with the delivery and the stand for them it would cost me $2675.89! I thought good Lord!!! I just want to wash my clothes and dry them, throw in a few towels and maybe a blanket or two~I don't need them gold plated or anything!
Then I head off to the office last night at 6pm. At 6:15pm ~yea 15 min. later~my cell phone goes off, it's my hubby telling me I need to call the Plumber out asap!! My mouth opens and literally falls to the floor.....I utter the words 'why? what happened now?' My son now takes the phone, as my DH is trying to find the shut off for the water. Anyways I am informed that the sink in the daycare bathroom was running slow, so my DH takes a 'plunger' to it, hense the reason the sink and the drain are now broken and the pipes underneath the sink are all busted out!!! ~UGH~ So I call the plumber and ask if he can come out in the morning....he said sure about 8:30am in the meantime turn off the water to the house so you have no more problems. ~Farging Great!~ Wonder how much this will cost me????
Now if things can't get worse, I get home at 10pm, and my oldest son is up waiting for me. I instantly think to my self 'What Now?' He tells me the kitchen faucet is leaking and the sprayer isn't working at all. He shows me how the faucet is leaking~actually more like spraying out the side!! My first thought was 'How much more is this gonna cost?' Then he tells me he needs money for school tomarrow, he wants to buy his year book while they are still cheaper and he also needs money for his new lunch account.
My new name is going to be "CHA CHING"

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