Friday, March 6, 2009

Tell Me something I don't know...

Geez, is all that comes to mind right now!

I recieved a phone call from the High School Principal a little bit ago and nearly had to laugh my head off when I hung up with him. Apparently my oldest son is a 'Smart Ass' according to the Algebra teacher. She went to the principal complaining and whinning like a little baby that my son is not doing his work properly! Now mind you my son is on the 'A' Honor Roll and has already recieved several accolaides for his grades and character. Including an 'A' in her very class!!!
So after speaking with the principal for several minutes as to the nature of the call and the root of the problem~trying not to laugh the whole time. I finally find out that my son isn't showing his work on his papers. So I suguested that he ask my son directly why he is not showing his work. Well apparently the principal already did that and come to find out He (my son) is not showing his work because he can do it in his head. Hmmmm, wonder of all wonders!! Not to mention that my son had a smart statement for the Principal too.....
"Now why is it that when I was younger we were taught that we had to be able to do math in our heads. That using a calculator was for lazy people. And NOW this teacher is requiring us to use a scientific calculator to do simple aglebraic equations~Can YOU explain this one to me? Sense when is it a requirement to show all my work when the teacher can't even explain how to get to the answer in relative terms? Do YOU use algebra in your chosen profession? Can YOU name 3 professions that use it everyday and that can do it their heads or do they also need to write it out? Well???"

This is where I say I am so Happy that He is my son!!! What a chip off the old block!!! LOL

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