Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Life Today...

  Somebody once told me that life was short and to make the most of it......that somebody was my Mom.
  A long time ago I used to worry about impressing the 'Jones' of the the world. Always rushing about trying to look just right, act the right way and always trying to live up to someone Else's standards. Along the way I lost sight of whom I was and what I stood for.
 The realization came to me when I turned 40, that magical number in my life of maturity, real maturity. I no longer think of impressing people when I walk out of my house to run errands or how I look or even what comes out of my mouth. I now walk with a straight back, head held high and am proud of who I am.

 Who really cares what others think of you, I don't anymore. Why? Well for me that is simple: I have feel that I have earned the right to be me. That is I no longer feel compelled to always be the most upstanding citizen, the best dressed, on all the community activity boards with all the caddy people of the world. I have learned that being me is OK, and that I do count~no matter if you agree or disagree with me. That is the glory of being mature, knowing that your opinion is just that an opinion and nothing more.

  So who am I really, well I am a Daughter, a Sister, a Wife, an Aunt, and the most important title is I am a MOM. Now with all those titles there are several others, but who cares we all carry these extra titles from day to day. Some of us have nothing better to do than to complain about life, I for one though see each and every day as a blessing, another chance to teach my boys all the things that I know my sister never had the chance to. I see the world as just that, a world that is vast, many different opinions, many different opportunities and many challenges.

  Challenge is a good thing, take me. I am just like you. I read the headlines, shake my head at what is horrible or sad, smile at the good things and wish for the best for my kids, always striving to get ahead, putting money away for that rainy day(that seems to never come) wanting more for my kids, always trying, that's it. Nothing more.

  I am me. I am a woman. I love simple and true. This is my LIFE and I am making the most of every day. YOU should do the same........

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