Saturday, November 20, 2010

Today has been a roller coaster of emotions, events and doings!
Let's start off with the emotions aspect of things....I could realy have slugged my spouse today! He has been so full of put downs, rude comments and just plain nastiness. There was one point today  That is unless he wants something from me or for me to do someting for him; like make a phone call to the attorney, the doctors office and ask this or that.  Really can he not see that I am working!! Lord give me strength not to knock some sense into him. I kid you not, I was feeding an infant, dealing with another who was puking and had lunch cooking on the stove for the rest of my group. He thinks that it was a fine time to tell me I need to make a call for him!! Umm not! Hello Mr. Jerk, I am busy and looks like I have a lot going on right at the moment. So what does he do? He makes a rude comment about how I am letting him down, and not putting his needs above those of my group. Ummm Whatever dude! So I just roll my eyes at him and continue on with taking care of the kids and my daily routine. He then starts to pout like a child.....Seriously!! So of course I feel bad, I put down the infant, turn the flame down on the stove so lunch doesn't burn and handle the calls for him. Yea I know, I gave in again. I do it all the time. No need to beat myself  up over it, what's done is done.
 so seriously the rest of my day goes on like on this, yes there are some ups and downs. I know that every relationship has it's rocky  points along the way, but I really feel like I put up with more than the average person. Last night I was so tired, literally exhausted mentally as well as physically. I kept being asked, ' what's for supper mom? what's for supper?' So  me being the trooper and the freaking energizer bunny starts offering choices for supper. Guess what they all were shot down by none other than Mr. Jerk!! So then I offer to go get take out and list off just about every place in our town. You know what I get? I get faces made at me instead of words!! Really, like he's a 2yr old now. Finally was able to get chinese and hopefully satisfy the man. Umm NOPE, he wanted only beef in his beef and broccoli so he had me take out all the veggies for him. Ok supper is finally over and he is still being acting like a jerk. He continuously tells the kids he is "pissed at their mom". So I ask the simple question why, all well knowing why he is still upset. He tells the boys he's up set with me because I left the backdoor open at 3:30am to let the dogs out and went back to bed for another half hour. Oh and that it woke him up from him sleeping! Good grief, he should just get over it and accept it. Hmmm, I seem to remember at the beginning of the month he was the one who told me that if I was tired to just go to bed and the boys and him would fend for themselves. I wonder whatever happened to that? Because i seriously told my family I was tired several times last night and they all kept saying oh mom the movie is almost over you have to watch it with us. All while my oldest was making bets with his father for $20 that I would fall asleep!! Hmmm some family!!

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